Cameroon has recently set up a new official platform dedicated to issuing e-visas for foreign travelers wishing to visit the country. However, this initiative is facing a number of tensions and difficulties that are hampering its smooth operation.
Cameroon: from to...
In order to resolve certain difficulties encountered by users when applying for a visa online, the official Cameroonian platform has changed its domain name to : is now available on Among other benefits, the move to .com increases the site's visibility and strengthens its credibility with international users.
Persistent payment problems
Despite this change, difficulties continue to hamper the platform's efficiency, particularly with regard to payment options. Many users have expressed dissatisfaction with the impossibility of paying online with their international credit cards.. This constraint leads some to seek alternative solutions, such as the use of local intermediaries, sometimes at a higher cost than the normal tariff.
A system ill-suited to the needs of foreign travellers
The development of Cameroon's e-visa platform is primarily aimed at facilitating the administrative procedures involved in obtaining a visa for the country. However, this initiative faces certain technical and logistical limitations that call into question its relevance.
The procedure in place requires that visa fees are paid in euros. This requirement is a major obstacle for individuals and professionals living abroad, whose bank cards are generally not compatible with all currencies. As a result, many users find themselves unable to meet the required payment terms, and see their applications delayed or even rejected.
Impacts on the country's economic and tourism development
The ineffectiveness of Cameroon's e-visa system could also have a negative impact on the national economy and the country's attractiveness as a tourist destination. Indeed, the difficulties encountered by foreign travelers when applying for visas are potential disincentives that may discourage some of them from choosing Cameroon as a destination, leading to a drop in the number of international visitors and a consequent loss of foreign investment in the country.
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