Soon 83 new nationalities for the Indonesian e-Visa?

The tourism sector has proposed to the Indonesian government that it extend the list of countries from which visitors can obtain a visa on arrival in Indonesia or via the Internet. The vice-governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawatiannounced that the project was currently under review, and that the countries that could benefit from this visa on arrival in Bali (or elsewhere in the country) should be those considered safe destinations.

The Indonesian government has recently introduced an "electronic visa" system (ex e-VOA) for nationals of countries such as China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and India.. Among the 83 countries proposed include Algeria, THE Bangladesh, THE Kenya, THE Panama and the Zimbabwesaid Tjokorda Bagus Pemayun, head of theBali Tourism Agency. If approved, there will be a total of 169 eligible countries for the Indonesia arrival visa, which allows foreign tourists to stay in Indonesia for 30 to 60 days, said the tourism official. Europeans are also affected by this procedure.

This measure was taken to support the tourism sector in Bali, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Two e-Visas are available in Indonesia :

  • e-Visa Visitor up to 30 days in Indonesia as a tourist or business traveler
  • e-Tourist Visa up to 60 consecutive days in the country for tourists only

The country has welcomed more than 16 million international tourists in 2019generating revenues of over 20 billion US dollars. Bali is one of the world's top tourist destinations, attracting over 6 million international visitors over the same period. Tourism accounts for around 4% of Indonesia's GDP and employs around 13 million people.

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