France: what is the Talent Passport and how to obtain it?

THE Talent Passport is a French program designed to attract highly qualified professionals from around the world, offering them 4 years to live and work in France. To be eligible, candidates must possess exceptional skills likely to contribute to France's economy or cultural landscape.

Who can benefit from Passeport Talent?

THE Talent Passport is open to third-country nationals who can make a significant contribution to the country's economy or culture. This includes highly qualified and well-paid employees, such as holders of a master's degree, artists, and recognized individuals in the scientific, literary, artistic, academic, educational or sporting fields.

Company founders and investors with a minimum investment of โ‚ฌ30,000 can also apply, provided they meet certain conditions such as having a master's degree or five years' professional experience. Employees or founders of an innovative company recognized by a public body, as well as employees seconded to France by an international company and legal representatives overseeing business affairs in France can also apply for a talent passport.

2024 language and income requirements

France has recently introduced stricter laws for certain residence permitsThe new regulations also raise the bar for language skills. To qualify for the Talent Passportyour employment contract and your stay in France must be longer than 3 months.

In fact, the term "Passeport Talent" has been changed to "residence permit". skilled employee talent "To avoid any ambiguity about the term "passport".

Employees working on innovative economic projects or those engaged in activities linked to their national or international reputation must earn at least the equivalent of the legal minimum wage in France for full-time workers. Highly qualified employees must earn a salary equivalent to 1.5 times the average gross salary in France, currently โ‚ฌ35,891. Artists must justify financial resources equivalent to 70 % of the SMIC (minimum wage) for each month spent in France.

How do I apply for a Passeport Talent?

Within 2 months of arriving in France, the person can apply for a multi-year residence permit with a maximum duration of 4 years. If your stay is less than 12 months, you will be issued with a long-stay visa with the words "passeport talent" (talent passport). This must be validated within 3 months of your arrival in France.

Everything takes place on the State's digital platform if the applicant is already in France:
If this is not the case, the applicant should contact the French visa application management organization closest to his or her place of residence.

  • In addition to the supporting documents relating to your personal situation, she must attach to the visa application completed by the future employer documents justifying the company's situation.
  • If she completes a fixed-term contract of no more than 12 months, she will also obtain a long-stay visa valid as a residence permit with the wording "...".talent passportโ€œ.

As CEO of Visamundi, I am dedicated to facilitating international travel by helping our customers obtain visas worldwide. By staying at the forefront of ever-changing regulations, I ensure that our agency is a trusted pillar in the field of visa services.

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